Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I really and truly believe that I am suffering caffeine withdrawal. I have the headache from - well, from somewhere worse than hell. Awful.

In other news, did you hear about the dudes that got stuck in the middle of the gulf, 180 miles offshore, just sitting on their capsized boat for EIGHT DAYS? What in the animal kingdom do you do with all of your time? And what do you drink? I know that salt water dehydrates you, so i'm not really sure how they lived so long sans water. One of the guys got third degree sunburns. I've never even heard of that.

On the other hand, there are people that have gotten chemical poisoning from ingesting too much sea water. I think most of them are surfers and stuff, but apparently it takes like a year to recover. Yipes.

Two days and going strong (I guess). Nothing goes with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich like - - - water :( Yesterday I got a text message from Daniel at, say, 11 in the morning, telling me that he just accidentally drank nine beers. I was foolish enough to actually believe him. What a trickster magee.

1 comment:

  1. ooh. I know the withdrawal headache you speak of. A piece of chocolate might help because of the caffeine. Could you drink hot herbal tea? I mean it's mostly water - with some flowers and good for you stuff. It would also cut the headache...
