Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The labels
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm taking the plunge.
Today is the fifteenth day of my water fast, and I must say that it is getting easier every day; so easy, in fact, that I'm going to add to my challenge.
I have spoken to several people about what my next step would be in this quest to better myself - maybe giving up sweets, maybe starches, maybe something else. I was going to wait for Daniel to be my accountability, but I think I'm going to have to do this one on my own to prove to myself that I can indeed do it by myself.
I have the tendency to turn to sweet foods when I'm emotionally charged. Unfortunately, I grew up in a house where we both dealt with problems and celebrated by eating. and eating. and eating. My husband and I are slowly changing this trend by eating a little from each 'food group' at each meal in moderation and using lots of whole ingredients in smart ways.
I work in a place where there is constantly 'fake' food everywhere - processed, packaged, and boxed - kid food. Needless to say, this isn't so good for the ol' gut. So, drumroll please, I'm totally giving up crappy foods for thirty-one days as of midnight tonight. Whew, that took some courage to type.
What does this mean? Well, here are a couple of lists:
Prepackaged foods
Baked goods, including all breads
White rice
Potatoes and root vegetables
Fried foods
Foods labeled "low-carb;" this seems like a cop-out
Non-root veggies, especially crisp and green ones
High-fiber cereals
Brown Rice
I think the root of all of this is to eat as humans were designed to eat. When we were first hanging out on our planet, there were no Oreos, Doritos, or cakes. I really believe that we were meant to eat lots of stuff straight from the earth, just as it comes with little manipulation. I'm not quite ready to do a raw diet (in fact, I don't think I ever will be), but I can get close. Of course, this goes on top of my water fast.
Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Eight days in
1) Increased energy - I'm no scientist, but maybe this is because I'm ingesting less sugar and not 'crashing' anymore, plus the energy is real and not the manufactured rush given by coffee.
2) Increased productivity - a direct result of the benefit listed above
3) Better sleep - Coupled with the sleep self-hypnosis I've been doing (Hold your tongues! This may sound absolutely insane, but it works.), I've been getting solid rest and have been waking up refreshed thanks to water.
4) Less sugar cravings
5) Elevated mood - this one is the weirdest to me. Don't think water will affect your mood? Wrong-o, buddy. It has a surprising effect (or lack thereof) on how I think and feel. I am more patient and calm than i have been in years. Bizarre.
6) Better and clearer decision-making
7) More focused self-awareness
...and many more. I could go on and on. You might have noticed that most of these changes or benefits are psychological, which is something i didn't expect from the offset. This is turning out to change my life much more that i thought it would.
Thanks for listening, take care of yourself and each other.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
I beleive in water now.
I've lost a whopping ONE pound since the beginning of this experiment four days ago, which is remarkable considering that I have changed nothing else about how I am living my life. I've also found that I'm thirstier all the time (if you can believe that), but I crave water, with the exception of early morning and late night when all I want is a steaming mug of coffee.
While you wait (with baited breath, I'm sure) for my next and hopefully more interesting post, here are a few factoids to devour:
-Roughly 70 percent of a healthy adult's body is composed of water.
-A healthy person is capable of drinking three gallons of water a day - equivalent to 48 cups.
-Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, which is caused by abrain imbalance.
-You're supposed to drink eight cups of water a day, but this doesn't have to come just from liquid; water in food counts, too.
-Soda, coffee, and tea contain mostly water, but caffeine is a diuretic which prevents that water from moving properly through the body.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
In other news, did you hear about the dudes that got stuck in the middle of the gulf, 180 miles offshore, just sitting on their capsized boat for EIGHT DAYS? What in the animal kingdom do you do with all of your time? And what do you drink? I know that salt water dehydrates you, so i'm not really sure how they lived so long sans water. One of the guys got third degree sunburns. I've never even heard of that.
On the other hand, there are people that have gotten chemical poisoning from ingesting too much sea water. I think most of them are surfers and stuff, but apparently it takes like a year to recover. Yipes.
Two days and going strong (I guess). Nothing goes with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich like - - - water :( Yesterday I got a text message from Daniel at, say, 11 in the morning, telling me that he just accidentally drank nine beers. I was foolish enough to actually believe him. What a trickster magee.