Friday, September 4, 2009

You know what? There's always a ton of jibberjabber about how good water is for you, all of the restorative properties it contains, how well it can sustain life - but I'm not sure how much I ever really believed it. I'm a born skeptic and in most areas a need-to-see-it-to-believe-it gal.

I beleive in water now.

I've lost a whopping ONE pound since the beginning of this experiment four days ago, which is remarkable considering that I have changed nothing else about how I am living my life. I've also found that I'm thirstier all the time (if you can believe that), but I crave water, with the exception of early morning and late night when all I want is a steaming mug of coffee.

While you wait (with baited breath, I'm sure) for my next and hopefully more interesting post, here are a few factoids to devour:

-Roughly 70 percent of a healthy adult's body is composed of water.
-A healthy person is capable of drinking three gallons of water a day - equivalent to 48 cups.
-Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, which is caused by abrain imbalance.
-You're supposed to drink eight cups of water a day, but this doesn't have to come just from liquid; water in food counts, too.
-Soda, coffee, and tea contain mostly water, but caffeine is a diuretic which prevents that water from moving properly through the body.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! i always tell myself i don't drink enough and that is why i am thirsty all the time too. Let me know how it works out for you! I think i might need to try this experiment! ;)
